Tuesday, February 28, 2006
Skyler's Bar
Skyler decided to temporarily use this table as his little "bar." he sometimes has two drinks at once, milk and juice. So he will pick up one, take a drink, and then slam it down (literally). In fact, Skyler doesn't do anything gently like his older sister. He even walks with force- you can hear him thump thumping as he walks, especially on the hardwood floors in the kitchen and hallway. Coincidentally, this is also the table which he likes to grab all my photos and throw them all over. I know he will make up for all this when he is older and big and strong and I keep telling Shayna this- one day your big strong brother will help you carry your luggage, or bags or whatever heavy things you need help moving.

Monday, February 27, 2006
Skyler using presents
Skyler is enjoying some of Shayna's 9th birthday presents. he loved getting on and off and sitting on the Bratz chair but he also kept falling off it and banging his head after sitting up on his knees so we are keeping the chair away from him until his clutzy stage is over. She also got her 1st Bratz doll from Megan and it looks like her (same exact hair style too) only I am afraid for her to open it with all the little pieces knowing Skyler will throw them all over the house (we just found my calculator which he hid for a few weeks). He is holding the Bratz bop it game which is great for annoying Manny! (and no Shayna is not into Bratz it is just the in thing with her age group right now).

Sunday, February 26, 2006
World Bazaar
Shayna had her girl scouts World Bazaar Friday night. Her brownie troop did France. Each troop at the bazaar represents a country (maybe 16 troops or so) and they set up a table selling one or two food items and crafts. They go to each country and get a "stamp" like on a passport and can shop and buy whatever they want from each country. Shayna uses her own money (she has her own from various things like tooth fairy, birthdays, etc.). The items all cost $1 or less. Shayna only bought 2 things (besides food which she ate there) - a fan from China and a rubber bracelet from Spain (she wants to collect them*). Unfortunately, as you can see in the photo below, Skyler got a hold of her fan and destroyed it.
*she has these bracelets: green Harry Potter from 7/16/05 book #6 release, pink one from Annie's birthday party, red one from Valley school's "reading for all" program (in March when they wear the bracelet in school- if a secret spotter spots them wearing a bracelet they get a ticket, ticket gets entered into weekly proze drawing)

Friday, February 24, 2006
Birthday Cake at Party
The birthday cake. Its a full sheet cake. Its supposed to be a disco ball with lights above a raised disco dance floor/stage like they have at Back Steps.
Birthday cake time. I had a "9" sparkler light candle which was hard to light but once lit looked very pretty only it went out very fast and Shayna had no candle to blow out. Note: when using sparkler type candle/light have regular candle/s on the cake to actually 'blow" out.

The take home party favors were CDs that Shayna and I made...I hope everyone liked them. The songs were all chosen by Shayna and they each have different hidden "bonus" tracks!

The take home party favors were CDs that Shayna and I made...I hope everyone liked them. The songs were all chosen by Shayna and they each have different hidden "bonus" tracks!
Shayna's Birthday party: dancing pics and video
Shayna, the MC, Ricky, and his assistant/dancer giving some dance instruction:
Switched, now Shayna and MC Ricky are on the stage:

Click here to see the video of the above:
**Thanks to my dad, he took the photos and the digital videos at the party!

Click here to see the video of the above:
**Thanks to my dad, he took the photos and the digital videos at the party!
Wednesday, February 22, 2006
GIEP Meeting about Shayna
I attended the GIEP meeting at Shayna's school today regarding the letter I sent about 2 weeks ago (note: its tough to type as Skyler attacks me from behind).
She had been assessed in both reading and math prior to the meeting, it was determined she has a reading level of 6th or 7th grade and she was given the end of year 4th grade math test.
The results of the meeting:
1. Due to scheduling conflicts, it is impossible for her to go into 4th grade for either math or reading (which is what we had hoped for).
2. After going through the assessment tool for grade acceleration with input from her teacher, g/t teacher, and psychologist, it was determined that she was eligible to accelerate a whole grade into the 4th grade.
If we decided to do so, then she could switch on March 6th.
3. If she does stay in 3rd grade, then they would make arrangements for her, but nothing specific was mentioned.
After dicussing this with Shayna and Manny, we decided to keep her in the 3rd grade, for reasons including developmental. So now we will have to see what will happen for her the rest of the year. From what we see, 4th grade looks better, so she could just glide through the rest of the year which will enable her to focus on her other activities...but we will update further on this. On a side note- she seems to be enjoying the 2nd semester much more, as they are doing social studies on a topic she has not already studied previously, and they are doing a special subject about the Winter Olympics.
Monday, February 20, 2006
Saturday, February 18, 2006
Shayna's VFD Party

Thanks to all who came out in the bitter cold to help celebrate Shayna's 9th birthday at the Backsteps.
I'll post some of the photos over the next few days.
Here are Juliana Gainsburg, Nancy Wenger and Shayna all huggy at the end of the party. They all rode the Trevose Day School van together last year and now they all go to different schools but are still close friends.
Coincidentally...no one seemed to "get" the VFD reference on the invitation.??
Shayna's Party Guestbook/lobby and Tables
Here is what it looked like in the lobby/arrival area. This is where we had the guestbook set up. Each child got to decorate thier "page" in the book with thier photo. A few took thiers home by accident so Shayna will get them at school when she brings in the book to show everyone. Here is Shayna, Ariel, and Megan. Ariel and Megan are in 4th grade. After signing the book they got lots of glow jewelry and glow sticks.
Here is the table seating area in the main danceroom:

Thursday, February 16, 2006
Strep Throat Family
We found out on Wed. that Shayna has Strep throat. By Wed. she seemed much better, and even went to school Tuesday and Wednesday. By Wednesday both Skyler and I got it and by Thursday Manny caught it too. We are all taking Amoxicillin and Shayna and Skyler both seemed to have kicked it fairly quickly while Manny and I are still struggling!
Monday, February 13, 2006
Skyler's 18 month Appt.
Skyler had his 18mo Dr.'s appointment today and saw Dr. Tyrala. We got a 2 for 1 deal because Shayna was sick, so they got to share an examination room. Skyler set the record for the noisiest most cantankerous patient - as soon as he entered the exam room he didn't stop crying, whining, and kvetching as loud as he could. Shayna even was amazed Dr. Tyrala could hear his heartbeat with all the ruckus he was making. Somehow with all the craziness I managed to get his basic stats:
Height: 32.5" = slightly over 50% (have no idea exact # b/c of the chaos). Grew 2 inches since last visit on 11/21/05.
Weight: 27 lbs. = 50%. Gained 3 lbs. since last visit.
Head Circ.: 20" Apparently his head has grown an inch in 3 months? maybe this was a measuring error...
Shayna had her throat swabbed to be tested for strep although Dr. T doubts its strep because Shayna was so "perky" and has responded to Tylenol. No fever since she got home from the Doctor's office.
here is the 1st official camera phone photo, coincidentally with Skyler in full cranky mode:
Height: 32.5" = slightly over 50% (have no idea exact # b/c of the chaos). Grew 2 inches since last visit on 11/21/05.
Weight: 27 lbs. = 50%. Gained 3 lbs. since last visit.
Head Circ.: 20" Apparently his head has grown an inch in 3 months? maybe this was a measuring error...
Shayna had her throat swabbed to be tested for strep although Dr. T doubts its strep because Shayna was so "perky" and has responded to Tylenol. No fever since she got home from the Doctor's office.
here is the 1st official camera phone photo, coincidentally with Skyler in full cranky mode:

Saturday, February 11, 2006
First Cell Phone
Shayna got her first cell phone today.
It was our plan to give her Manny's old phone when we got new ones (we both desperately needed new ones- mine was held together by tape and last night Skyler got a hold of it and killed it).
Manny and I got picture phones (it was buy one get one free) and I found out since we were adding a 3rd number we could get a free phone. So I got Shayna a nice PINK and silver phone.
We are all still playing with them and imputing all the data, numbers, etc. Shayna and I had fun text messaging each other.
Shayna called Grandma from her new phone and when grandma asked for her number Shayna said "just look at your phone." Not sure what grandma said, but then Shayna said "check your caller ID and my phone number will be on it." Grandma said "I don't have caller ID."
Friday, February 10, 2006
Shayna's First Movie
Shayna is going to be in a non speaking small part in a feature film, called "Absolute Trust."
She is going into NYC this Sunday for filming. Unless we are snowed in and the roads are closed!
More details after the shoot. She will get paid $25, get credit, and get the footage after about 6 months. and it will help build her resume.
Birthday Party:FYI
Shayna's birthday party has been rescheduled due to the weather/snowstorm from Sat. Feb. 11th to:
Saturday Feb. 18th at 7pm.
Same time/same place just one week later!
See you there!!!
Thursday, February 09, 2006
Reminiscing: First Concerts
Shayna and I were reminiscing today. She mentioned how it has been soooo long since she has been to NYC that she can hardly remember what it looks like, and can only picture Philly.
We both agreed that the last time she was actually in NYC (not driving past/through) was when she was 5 at the Moby concert on Pier 14 near the meat packing district manhattan.
This was quite the experience for a 5yo. We "camped" out (Manny too) so we would get a good spot, since it was a free concert, first come first serve. While camping out, socializing, eating snacks, etc. Shayna drew a beautiful picture for Moby, of a rainbow with Moby standing under it. When they opened the gates we literally ran/walked down to the very front to claim our spot. We were in the very front row of a packed concert. It got so packed people were standing OUTSIDE the pier! The security guard kept giving Shayna bottles of water. Shayna got to see a few other groups like Sasha and I forget who else. During the concert I managed to hand Moby the picture Shayna drew. In the bottom photo is Moby holding the picture right after I gave it to him- that is me with my hand stretched out.
She just mentioned seeing Blue Man Group, that was at one of her first real concerts- the Area2 Moby concert in Camden a few months before this one in NYC. I would really like to take her to see Blue Man Group again.

Age Classifications
Classifications by Age...according to Shayna:
0-1 Baby
1-3 Toddler
3-6 Child
7-10 Kid
11-12 Pre-teen
13-17 Teenager
18+ Adult
Letter Update #2
Latest Update:
GIEP meeting is scheduled for Feb. 22nd.
I received a packet today from the school with the materials they will use during the meeting to assess Shayna. Haven't looked through it yet.
Shayna was taken out of class today by the reading specialist to assess her reading. She had her read some things and then asked her questions.
Tuesday, February 07, 2006
Update to letter
I spoke with the director of special Ed. today (Tuesday) about the letter I wrote about Shayna. She is scheduling a GIEP meeting during which we will discuss Shayna's concerns, moving her into 4th grade for math and/or reading, and other options such as grade acceleration (I do not want to do this but am willing to discuss). I will get a letter/invitation by the end of this week, and also a checklist of what will be discussed. The meeting will take place within 2 weeks.
Friday, February 03, 2006
letter being sent into school Friday Feb. 3rd:
Dear Ms. Welch ,
I am requesting that my daughter, Shayna, a student in Ms. Blaswick’s 3rd grade class, have her GIEP reopened.
I am requesting that her current levels in math and reading be assessed.
The reason for this is that her needs are not being met in the regular classroom. Shayna states that her math and reading work is too easy, that she already knows what is being taught, and that she is not learning anything. Shayna states the only time she learns anything is with you, Ms. Welch, under the SIP pull out program.
I am also requesting that she be placed into the 4th grade for math and possibly reading instruction for the remainder of the year. I request that you do the appropriate testing to determine that she does already know all the current math being taught in the 3rd grade curriculum. Shayna feels as if she has become a teacher’s assistant rather then student.
I spoke with Rose Jacobs, a member of the school board about the current situation with Shayna, and she advised me to request the above on behalf of Shayna.
Shayna has a right to come to school and learn. This is her right under the law. Just as children with learning disabilities have a right under the law to have their needs met, SO DO GIFTED CHILDREN.
I believe Shayna would benefit greatly from being placed into the 4th grade for math and reading.
I am sending this letter to all those listed below.
I will appreciate the prompt attention from the district to remedy this situation for Shayna. I can be reached at ______________________.
Robin M.
CC: Ms. Blaswick- Shayna’s 3rd grade teacher
Ms. Richman - 4th grade teacher
Ms. Glaesser - Principal of Valley Elementary
Ms. Finkelstein - Counselor at Valley
Victoria C. Gehrt, Ed.D. - District Superintendent
Charlotte Krsge - Assistant Superintendent
Claudia S. Mahon - Director of Special Ed.
Rose Jacobs - School Board member
Dear Ms. Welch ,
I am requesting that my daughter, Shayna, a student in Ms. Blaswick’s 3rd grade class, have her GIEP reopened.
I am requesting that her current levels in math and reading be assessed.
The reason for this is that her needs are not being met in the regular classroom. Shayna states that her math and reading work is too easy, that she already knows what is being taught, and that she is not learning anything. Shayna states the only time she learns anything is with you, Ms. Welch, under the SIP pull out program.
I am also requesting that she be placed into the 4th grade for math and possibly reading instruction for the remainder of the year. I request that you do the appropriate testing to determine that she does already know all the current math being taught in the 3rd grade curriculum. Shayna feels as if she has become a teacher’s assistant rather then student.
I spoke with Rose Jacobs, a member of the school board about the current situation with Shayna, and she advised me to request the above on behalf of Shayna.
Shayna has a right to come to school and learn. This is her right under the law. Just as children with learning disabilities have a right under the law to have their needs met, SO DO GIFTED CHILDREN.
I believe Shayna would benefit greatly from being placed into the 4th grade for math and reading.
I am sending this letter to all those listed below.
I will appreciate the prompt attention from the district to remedy this situation for Shayna. I can be reached at ______________________.
Robin M.
CC: Ms. Blaswick- Shayna’s 3rd grade teacher
Ms. Richman - 4th grade teacher
Ms. Glaesser - Principal of Valley Elementary
Ms. Finkelstein - Counselor at Valley
Victoria C. Gehrt, Ed.D. - District Superintendent
Charlotte Krsge - Assistant Superintendent
Claudia S. Mahon - Director of Special Ed.
Rose Jacobs - School Board member
Wednesday, February 01, 2006
Shayna's Birthday
Shayna picked Dave & Buster's to go to celebrate her actual birthday (her party will be on feb. 11th). They have a deal where you get an entree and $10 game card for $14.99. So Manny and I got that. Then when we were almost finished the manager came over and said since Shayna was such a good big sister he was going to get her something special. he came back a few minutes later and gave her 2 VIP cards (worth $5 each in games) and then took her picture because she is a celebrity. I think Shayna is one of those girls who will always have those kinds of lucky things happen to her. It was getting late so she only used one of the VIP cards. She will go back another time with Manny and use the other 3 cards she still has left. Skyler always wanted to run in the exact opposite direction from wherever Shayna was playing or heading.