Shayna's Birthday
Shayna picked Dave & Buster's to go to celebrate her actual birthday (her party will be on feb. 11th). They have a deal where you get an entree and $10 game card for $14.99. So Manny and I got that. Then when we were almost finished the manager came over and said since Shayna was such a good big sister he was going to get her something special. he came back a few minutes later and gave her 2 VIP cards (worth $5 each in games) and then took her picture because she is a celebrity. I think Shayna is one of those girls who will always have those kinds of lucky things happen to her. It was getting late so she only used one of the VIP cards. She will go back another time with Manny and use the other 3 cards she still has left. Skyler always wanted to run in the exact opposite direction from wherever Shayna was playing or heading.

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