Shayna & Skyler's World

Anecdotes & stories both past and present about my 2 children: Shayna Star, age 10 and in 5th grade (1/31/1997) and Skyler Lion, age 3 (8/13/2004).

Wednesday, February 22, 2006

GIEP Meeting about Shayna

I attended the GIEP meeting at Shayna's school today regarding the letter I sent about 2 weeks ago (note: its tough to type as Skyler attacks me from behind).

She had been assessed in both reading and math prior to the meeting, it was determined she has a reading level of 6th or 7th grade and she was given the end of year 4th grade math test.

The results of the meeting:

1. Due to scheduling conflicts, it is impossible for her to go into 4th grade for either math or reading (which is what we had hoped for).

2. After going through the assessment tool for grade acceleration with input from her teacher, g/t teacher, and psychologist, it was determined that she was eligible to accelerate a whole grade into the 4th grade.

If we decided to do so, then she could switch on March 6th.

3. If she does stay in 3rd grade, then they would make arrangements for her, but nothing specific was mentioned.

After dicussing this with Shayna and Manny, we decided to keep her in the 3rd grade, for reasons including developmental. So now we will have to see what will happen for her the rest of the year. From what we see, 4th grade looks better, so she could just glide through the rest of the year which will enable her to focus on her other activities...but we will update further on this. On a side note- she seems to be enjoying the 2nd semester much more, as they are doing social studies on a topic she has not already studied previously, and they are doing a special subject about the Winter Olympics.


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