Reminiscing: First Concerts
Shayna and I were reminiscing today. She mentioned how it has been soooo long since she has been to NYC that she can hardly remember what it looks like, and can only picture Philly.
We both agreed that the last time she was actually in NYC (not driving past/through) was when she was 5 at the Moby concert on Pier 14 near the meat packing district manhattan.
This was quite the experience for a 5yo. We "camped" out (Manny too) so we would get a good spot, since it was a free concert, first come first serve. While camping out, socializing, eating snacks, etc. Shayna drew a beautiful picture for Moby, of a rainbow with Moby standing under it. When they opened the gates we literally ran/walked down to the very front to claim our spot. We were in the very front row of a packed concert. It got so packed people were standing OUTSIDE the pier! The security guard kept giving Shayna bottles of water. Shayna got to see a few other groups like Sasha and I forget who else. During the concert I managed to hand Moby the picture Shayna drew. In the bottom photo is Moby holding the picture right after I gave it to him- that is me with my hand stretched out.
She just mentioned seeing Blue Man Group, that was at one of her first real concerts- the Area2 Moby concert in Camden a few months before this one in NYC. I would really like to take her to see Blue Man Group again.

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