Shayna & Skyler's World

Anecdotes & stories both past and present about my 2 children: Shayna Star, age 10 and in 5th grade (1/31/1997) and Skyler Lion, age 3 (8/13/2004).

Friday, October 21, 2005

Math Book

Shayna and I went to the parent-teacher store this past Monday and got her a bunch of enrichment books, mainly math, French and vocab.

Since the math she is doing in school is too easy and she said she has time left-which she fills with her AR reading or if finished with a book and waiting to take the test she has had nothing to do- I decided to send in the more appropriate math workbook- it actually says grades 3-4 on it so its not really all THAT advanced.

So I sent in the "How to multiply" book which pretty much covers multipying from simple to very advanced. Last year Mrs. Buckley had taught her some and also long division. mid-week she brought it home and she was already on page 22. She did it all on her own and didn't ask Miss Blaswick for any help until the part with 2 digits times one digit, no zeros, where you have to carry over. and even that was a simple question.

My point is that Shayna is SELF TEACHING herself 3rd grade math. I'm very proud of her.

She is almost on the double digit times double digit, no zeros section where you use the "ladder" method and add, so we'll see if she can self teach herself that...I may just teach her that myself. Math is my least favorite subject so I tend to favor teaching her language arts (hence the vocab. and French and history stuff)...Manny is better with math & science and he has taught her all the clever math tricks I never thought of.


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