SIP Field Trip
Shayna went on a field trip today with the entire 4th and 5th grade SIP classes from all the schools in the district (maybe 40 or so kids total) to the U. of Penn Museum of Archaelogy and Anthropology to see the Amarna exhibit and also other exhibits in the museum. The Amarna is the sister exhibit of the King Tut exhibit at the Franklin Institute.
Highlights /what Shayna liked the best:
1. They saw the 3rd largest sphinx in the world and it was so heavy that when they brought it in the museum room it cracked the floor.
2. In the China exhibit, there was a sphere that when you see through, shows you the people on the opposite side like glass, but showed them upside-down.
3. There was a wood and clay model that showed what an ancient Greek house looked like.
4. There was a mummified 7 yo girl that was so small she looked like a baby.
They got to go to the gift shop. Shayna bought a Egyptian Artifacts kit and a present for Skyler: a flute. We have been looking for a flute for Skyler for a while now, because when she practices her flute he always wants to join in. As you can see, he really loves his new flute! He is holding the artifact kit.

Highlights /what Shayna liked the best:
1. They saw the 3rd largest sphinx in the world and it was so heavy that when they brought it in the museum room it cracked the floor.
2. In the China exhibit, there was a sphere that when you see through, shows you the people on the opposite side like glass, but showed them upside-down.
3. There was a wood and clay model that showed what an ancient Greek house looked like.
4. There was a mummified 7 yo girl that was so small she looked like a baby.
They got to go to the gift shop. Shayna bought a Egyptian Artifacts kit and a present for Skyler: a flute. We have been looking for a flute for Skyler for a while now, because when she practices her flute he always wants to join in. As you can see, he really loves his new flute! He is holding the artifact kit.

Link to the Museum:
If you go under the "exhibit" section you can see the details on the Amarna exhibit. Its also a fun web site to explore and it has great online activities for kids.
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