Shayna & Skyler's World

Anecdotes & stories both past and present about my 2 children: Shayna Star, age 10 and in 5th grade (1/31/1997) and Skyler Lion, age 3 (8/13/2004).

Monday, January 30, 2006

PA Youth chorale

Shayna auditioned for the PA Youth Chorale and attended her first rehersal on Tues. Jan 17th. She got in. The chorale is very professional and that night I got everything explained to me by the manager while Shayna was in the rehersal. Shayna is in the Jr. Choir which is 2nd-4th graders. They have 3 concerts in the spring and one of those is a "touring" concert, which will be in Ocean City, NJ on May6th. She has her 1st concert in March and then the big official Spring Concert at the end of May. One nice thing is when you sell ads in the program 75% goes towards her tuition. So around March we will ask everyone we know (ie relatives- you know who you are!) and local businesses and politicians to place ads. The chorale is a great way for Shayna to learn proper singing techniques without private vocal lessons (she will learn the same things). They also have uniforms which remind me a bit of madeline (very classy school girl type). They even have a "dress" and "touring" uniform.

After she auditioned the director (teacher- not sure what she is called here?) , Ms. Fields. came out with Shayna and the other girl who auditioned. She explained about how she told them how important it was not to miss rehersals, not for other activities and not even of your birthday is on a Tuesday. So Shayna said "My birthday is on a Tuesday!" LOL


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