Shayna & Skyler's World

Anecdotes & stories both past and present about my 2 children: Shayna Star, age 10 and in 5th grade (1/31/1997) and Skyler Lion, age 3 (8/13/2004).

Monday, September 05, 2005

Filipino Teasing

Teasing as an expression of endearment is common in the Phillipine culture. The tagalog language has a lot of words used in a teasing affectionate way. Manny likes to say them when appropriate. Here are some he uses most frequently:

1. PIKON: gets mad easily, grouchy


Skyler growls a lot, especially when he is hungry or you aren't feeding him fast enough.

2. MADUME: makes a mess, or gets dirty


Skyler throws his toys and whatever he can grab all over the family room floor.

3. BAHAG: like one wearing a loincloth, in your underpants


Skyer sometimes is in just his diaper and T-shirt (ie just before bed).

4. MAHAROT: playful


Skyler will be all giggly and excited or very energetic.

5. MABAHO: stinky

or MABAHO PWET/PUET: stinky butt

Manny would sometimes tease Shayna saying "are you mabaho or magunda?" and she would always answer emphatically "Magunda!" (Magunda means pretty)

6. BURUKA: messy hair, like Broom Hilda witch


This is what Manny says when Shayna's hair is really messy!

7. MATIGAS: tough, stubborn, toughhead



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