Shayna & Skyler's World

Anecdotes & stories both past and present about my 2 children: Shayna Star, age 10 and in 5th grade (1/31/1997) and Skyler Lion, age 3 (8/13/2004).

Thursday, August 04, 2005

The spirit of Willy Wonka's dad

Shayna had a dentist appointment today. Unfortunately, she has two cavities that she needs filled and the dentist also wants her to get sealants on 3 of her molars (which I didn't realize they get thier adult molars at age 6). The sealants are preventative. I think this was never offered before because we never had dental insurance and now we have Delta Dental.

The girl behind the desk was explaining how once she gets the sealants she can't eat any sticky candy, basically the only "safe" candy is chocolate. This is because they could pull the sealants off.

So I asked "how about lollipops?"

she said "No lollipops."

me: "for how long?"

lady behind desk: "the rest of her life."

me: what about halloween?

lady: no not even Halloween...

Shayna had the saddest most forlorn look on her face!

of course, I think being a dentist office thye must take the ultra conservative stance...I could never forbid lollipops forever.

besides when I read the brochure, it mentioned the sealants can easily be redone if they happen to come off.

As she mentioned the various candies that were no no's I had an image of Willy Wonka's dad from the movie falsh into my head.

PS: for those you who want to know what I mean by the Willy Wonka's dad reference and have not seen the Charlie & the Chocolate Factory movie, see the comments section below.


  • At 1:19 AM, Blogger shoshanamom said…

    SPOILER: Charlie & the Choc. Factory movie:

    Willy Wonka's dad in the movie was a dentist and would not allow WW to eat any candy or sweets, he threw his halloween candy into the fireplace.


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