Tasmanian Devil

Manny started calling Skyler Tasmanian Devil, because the way he makes a mess reminds us of the notorious Tazmanian Devil from the Bugs Bunny cartoons. I envisioned him years from now, in college, and his fraternity brothers calling him "Taz." Of course, my vision was of him being the cool guy, the guy in college that everyone likes and who is very well known (thus the "Taz" label).
To give an example of how he fits this label, here is what happened last Saturday:
Shayna and I were in our pool out back, Manny was watching Skyler in the family room. About two or so hours later, I went inside for something. Manny said "oh no..we're going to need the vacuum!!" Apparently, Manny had dozed off for a few minutes. Within that brief time, Skyler got his hands on a container of chocolate cookies that was on the table. Now there were cookie crumbs all over the carpet, by the sofa side closest to the window. Near the other part of the sofa, he had shredded up a napkin and the entire carpet was covered in shredded paper.
At 9:58 PM,
Anonymous said…
Give 'Taz' a big hug from me. A boy after my own heart! Just wait until he can open things in the fridge! Oh, what a mess!
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