Shayna & Skyler's World

Anecdotes & stories both past and present about my 2 children: Shayna Star, age 10 and in 5th grade (1/31/1997) and Skyler Lion, age 3 (8/13/2004).

Wednesday, August 10, 2005

Shayna's Good News and Bad News


As my Penn State French 1 and 2 teacher Pierre used to say, "Mon pauvre Shayna." Poor Shayna had 3 cavities filled and 2 sealants done today at the Pediatric dentist. She was a real trooper, but I still felt bad for her when she came out with her cheek slightly puffed and the cotton roll sticking out of her mouth, with her somber droopy face. Dr. Josh then told me that she is predisposed physically to cavities because her teeth have deep grooves in them. The toothbrush can not reach these grooves. So she needs to use the floride rinse (which she just started). He said she would be numb for about 2 hours.

We went and got bagels at Einstein bagels since they are near the dentist, and she said she really wished she could have a bagel. We ran a bunch of errands together and by the time we got home, almost 2 hours later, she still wasn't able to eat and said her apple cider tasted bad.

That was at 5pm, now at 6:45pm she was finally able to enjoy her bagels.


Shayna is invited to go meet with an agent/agency this coming Tuesday August 16th!! I had sent her photos and resume to 2 agencies. We haven't heard from the other one, but this one wants to meet with her. Shayna wants to pursue acting. I guess she could also try modeling but its acting that she really wants to do. She loves to perform. Her 2nd grade teacher, Mrs. Buckley, said that she could see talent in Shayna, from her facial expressions while singing & performing to how she acted in the lead of the 2nd grade play when she played the Hare.

Also, she is taking a theatre class (acting) at the Walnut Street Theatre in center city this fall. She will really enjoy that plus afterwards (since the class meets on Saturday mornings) we can go out to lunch in the city and maybe sometimes do other fun and educational things in the city (like the Constitution Center we have not gone to yet).


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