Shayna & Skyler's World

Anecdotes & stories both past and present about my 2 children: Shayna Star, age 10 and in 5th grade (1/31/1997) and Skyler Lion, age 3 (8/13/2004).

Monday, August 08, 2005

Reverse Psychology

Skyler kept going over to the fireplace and opening up the glass fireplace doors. Finally after getting tired of shutting the doors over and over, Manny just left them open. Now Skyler doesn't go over to the doors anymore.

The same thing happened before I "baby proofed" the fireplace area, where we still had a pile of kindling and basic fireplace dirt. Once Skyler started crawling he would go over there and play with the dirt. We would laugh at him being a "boy" and playing with dirt. Shayna from day one never liked getting dirty. So I baby proofed that area and cleaned it real well. He has stayed away from there from then on except now he started targeting the fireplace tools. He wants to grab a poker and start swinging it. What a boy.

Now I am running out of space on my refrigerator because as he grows taller he is able to reach more magnets and throw more magnets & pictures etc. onto the floor.

We also have a few laws here in Skyler land.


Skyler believes that tables should not have anything on them. Any table or surface that he can reach, if there is anything on it, he decided that that item does not belong on the table. I got rid of everything on the end table by the family room sofa except for the cute dad book Shayna got him for Fathers Day one year at age 2, complete with her hand outline. Skyler has decided that book belongs on the floor. If you place the book back on the table, no matter where or what he is doing he will come right over and throw it on the floor!


Any drink or item that you don't want Skyler to grab MUST be in the VERY center of the family room coffee table. If you even place it slightly left of center it will be within his reach and he WILL, within 10 seconds of placing said item, knock it over.


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