Shayna & Skyler's World

Anecdotes & stories both past and present about my 2 children: Shayna Star, age 10 and in 5th grade (1/31/1997) and Skyler Lion, age 3 (8/13/2004).

Wednesday, August 10, 2005

Begging for food

One of the consequences of Skyler being such a voracious eater is that he begs for food. Even if he has eaten and is not very hungry, if anyone is eating, he will stop what he is doing and go over to that person and "beg" for food- that is, he will growl & grunt until you give him some.

Just a few minutes ago he was being all clingy with me and all of a sudden he vanished. It turns out Manny & Shayna are eating bagels in the kitchen, and he is now at thier feet demanding some too.

The worst is when we eat popcorn while watching a movie, because he will beg and doesn't undertand that babies can not eat popcorn. So we have to "hide" a bit of his baby approved munchies in the bowl and then dole it out as if he is getting the goods.

If Shayna is eating ice cream he won't leave her alone. He especially LOVES ice cream. So sometimes when Skyler goes to bed, Shayna will say "I can have ice cream now!" Manny says "you have to pay the taxman" when he comes around...if you are eating you have to give him his share.

The way we see it, he is just getting ready for the day when he is a football player (and there is no doubt in Manny's mind that his son will play football as soon as he is of eligible age, i.e. age 5 or younger if he weighs enough).


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