Shayna & Skyler's World

Anecdotes & stories both past and present about my 2 children: Shayna Star, age 10 and in 5th grade (1/31/1997) and Skyler Lion, age 3 (8/13/2004).

Sunday, December 23, 2007

Tidal Wave

We went out on the boat tonight to look at Christmas lights on the houses along the intracoastal. It was very pretty and a very different way to enjoy the holiday lights, which we have seen by car but never by boat.

On the return trip, I was driving the boat (I need to learn how to run the boat in case of an emergency). A really big boat went by goig VERY fast. this was just an inconsiderate boater, as it was not only nighttime and dark but it was obvious there was a small boat in its path. I did what manny said and went through its wake at 45 degrees, but the wake was too huge and a HUGE wave came up over the bow of the boat. The wave completely soaked poor Skyler and almost completely soaked Shayna and Manny. They were all wearing long pants and hoodies, but still had to go the rest of the trip soaking wet.

It also soaked my beachbag, which was sitting on the front seat open, as we were eating munchies from the bag. when we got home I tried to salvage all the electronics that were in the bag. My cellphone: needed to dry out but battery was fine the next day. the binoculars: needed to dry out, now it is fine. Digital camera: next day was christmas eve day and the camera repair shop had no tech's working, so had to wait until the day after christmas (wed.). By them the salt had corroded the inside and it was ruined. memory SD card: dried it out for one day and it was fine.

Future boating: use water proof bag, keep bag away from front of boat, keep bag zipped shut, and use waterproof camera preferably. also when going over a wake you need to speed up.


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