Shayna & Skyler's World

Anecdotes & stories both past and present about my 2 children: Shayna Star, age 10 and in 5th grade (1/31/1997) and Skyler Lion, age 3 (8/13/2004).

Thursday, November 22, 2007


We had our first visitors since moving to Florida, Grandma and Grandpa. They arrived late Wed. afternoon. we gave them a mini tour of some spots along A1A: red reef park on the beach, red reef park's oceanfront golf course, and the intracoastal side of red reef park, all duirng sunset so the beach view had a pink hue in the sky and the clouds looked like pink cotton candy. Then we went into Delray Beach to walk on Atlantic Ave. where all the shops and restaurants are. we got to look in a nice art gallery and window shop, then ate dinner at Oyster City.

We spent Thanksgiving at our house. We enjoyed the backyard, sitting on the lounge chairs and patio set. Grandma and Grandpa got to try fishing on the canal right in our backyard. here is Grandpa fishing:

Shayna taught Grandma how to cast:

we showed them all the life on the canal and used the binoculars. Grandpa saw the turtles with thier heads sticking out of the water, and we showed them some of the birds that hang out on the canal (common moorhen, muscovy ducks, doves). The iguanas were not present today (they are usually around) but there were plenty of geckos and small lizards. The highlight was seeing a hawk in the tree across the canal, we could see it very well with the binoculars! we looked it up in our bird watching guide to identify it.
I then gave them a tour of central and west Boca....Shayna's school, Skylers school, the general scenery, the mall, etc.
we had dinner in the dining room, which is facing the backyard. we opened up these french doors so it was like dining al fresco:

we used this ledge to serve the food:

Shayna liked the sweet potatoes...which makes me happy as I am trying to get her to eat more veggies. she likes them with the marshmallows on top.


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