Shayna & Skyler's World

Anecdotes & stories both past and present about my 2 children: Shayna Star, age 10 and in 5th grade (1/31/1997) and Skyler Lion, age 3 (8/13/2004).

Thursday, October 18, 2007

Crabbing and Fishing

We went out on the boat yesterday after school to go crabbing and fishing on Lake Boca.

Manny is training Shayna to do basic boating functions, like helping to dock, use the ropes, and how to drive the boat:

We anchored at Lake Boca and threw in the crab trap using a chicken drumstick as bait. Manny got the kind of trap that once the creatures get in, they can't get out. which means you can catch just about anything that goes after the bait, not always crabs. On the first pull up, we caught a fish:

Next try, we got our first crab! It was a blue crab:

Skyler checking out what is in the trap:

Manny put the crab into the cooler, which is also a seat. Skyler loved looking at the crab:

Closer look at the crab:

Manny and the kids caught a LOT of fish but threw almost all of them back. Mainly baby jacks and Mangrove Snappers, and one trunkfish. sometimes they would have 3 fish on their line (set with 3 hooks). We caught 3 crabs and kept 2 fish, which we cooked for dinner. I had a nice crab salad.
The sun was setting as we made our way home on the intracoastal:

We are still using our pool. Skyler and I went in today as the sun peeked out enough. I thought it was fine once you get in, but its not lukewarm like it was a few weeks ago.


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