A Series of Unfortunate Events
The last and 13th book in the series of unfortunate events by Lemony Snicket was released on Friday the 13th, aptly entitled "the End." There was an event at barnes and noble which we attended. We met Nancy and her family there. The event was upstairs and they had the kids sit on the floor since they were "orphans." They had a bunch of papers they gave out. First they had everyone make masks of the 4 main characters (the 3 orphans: Violet, Klaus and Sunny, and Count Olaf, the villian). I did this part with Skyler, and someone from B&N took our photo. Then 3 employees read from the book (very well I must add- doing voices and sound effects). At this point Skyler got antsy and started moving and running about. So I took him downstairs to the trains and childrens section. He spent the entire rest of the time in the store running/walking around including sitting on chairs with people already sitting on them. Manny is away at Sea School this weekend so Skyler came along.
A few days before Shayna and I went to Barnes & Noble to hand in her reading club form and therefore be entered into the contest to win a free SOUE book (they drew the winner at the event). They had a display counting down the days to the release. This day it said 4 more days...
The masks, papers/activities. They also got goodie bags with a poster, pencil, not sure what else. The Sunny mask is the one Skyler made - he put stickers on the back (they were seals meant for sealing a letter to Beatrice) and drew on the front with the pencil they provided during the event.
Skyler pretending he is Sunny. Sunny is the baby in the stories..pretty much a kin to Skyler. She talks mainly in toddler babble like Skyler does.
Skyler as Count Olaf. We were taking turns being Count Olaf and making scary sound effects trying to talk like him. Skyler did a growl.
Shayna reading the book. We wound up buying it at Borders after we left because we had a gift card for there. Shayna literally started reading it as soon as we walked out the door of the store. She read about 3/4 of the book Friday night. I am looking forward to reading it to...as the story throuhg all 12 preceding books never ends so you are really left hanging.

If you haven't read the series I highly recommend reading it...even for adults, especially so, as there is a lot of humor that only adults will get. It is one of the best written books I have ever read (the series). I was talking about it with the store clerk at Borders and he said that Bugs Bunny is really funny to watch as an adult- same theory- kind of how Sponge Bob or certain kids movies put in references for the adults. B&N did not lose money on us, I did buy 3 great little books for the airplane ride and a cool looking family magazine called "Cookie" which I bought because it had an article in it about families staying in castles in Europe (I now plan on doing this at some point as a family).
A few days before Shayna and I went to Barnes & Noble to hand in her reading club form and therefore be entered into the contest to win a free SOUE book (they drew the winner at the event). They had a display counting down the days to the release. This day it said 4 more days...

If you haven't read the series I highly recommend reading it...even for adults, especially so, as there is a lot of humor that only adults will get. It is one of the best written books I have ever read (the series). I was talking about it with the store clerk at Borders and he said that Bugs Bunny is really funny to watch as an adult- same theory- kind of how Sponge Bob or certain kids movies put in references for the adults. B&N did not lose money on us, I did buy 3 great little books for the airplane ride and a cool looking family magazine called "Cookie" which I bought because it had an article in it about families staying in castles in Europe (I now plan on doing this at some point as a family).
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