Boscov's Grand Opening
They had a table both upstairs and downstairs filled with an assortment of fruit, cheese, crackers, and drinks. They also had ladies walking around with trays of fudge samples. Shayna really liked this. Everytime she walked by she would grab a piece of fudge. We walked by many times because we were looking for the boys section, then looking for the girls section, general wandering around getting distracted by fancy baking supplies and mermaid/fairy dolls, and then before and after the emergency run to the bathroom.

There was a magic show right in the big boys section. The highlight was at the end when he pulled a real live rabbit out of thin air. After the show he let people come up to pet the rabbit. Shayna LOVED this.
In the girls and young boys section there was a station set up for face painting and Elmo was making balloon sculptures/animals. While I was there for a practical purpose, to get her junior girl scout vest (I did) and hopefully find some good kids clothes on sale (I did not), Shayna was jumping around and then got a balloon from Elmo to make her own creation.
They were selling these red suitcases for $9.99 each. Just about every customer in the store was buying one or had bought one. So of course I bought one for Shayna. Time for her to have a real suitcase and at that price could not resist!
We only went to this event because I had to pick up my car at the Acura dealer and it happened to be across the street.
After Boscov's I took Shayna to the Scare Pros halloween store in Levittown. She had been wanting to go to a halloween store (we both love halloween) for the last 2 weeks but we have been too busy. I didn't care for any of the costumes for the kids (angel/devil) so will most likely order them online (found one for Shayna I really like).
Shayna said afterwards she had more fun at the grand opening even though she had been wanting to go to a halloween store for so long, I think because of the fudge and rabbit.
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