Ben Franklin Exhibit

We went to the Ben Franklin exhibit at the Constitution Center today. It is definately worth seeing!! We were not allowed to take any photos in the exhibit, so here is the description from thier site:
Benjamin Franklin: In Search of a Better World, organized by the Benjamin Franklin Tercentenary, is a blockbuster exhibition created to celebrate the 300th anniversary of Philadelphia’s favorite founding father.
Making its world premiere and only East Coast showing at the National Constitution Center from December 15, 2005 – April 30, 2006, this must-see exhibition will immerse visitors in Franklin’s world, expose them to his ingenious problem-solving methods and leave them inspired by his example. Franklin’s own words narrate the 8,000 square-foot exhibition, which was designed in the spirit of his curiosity, wit and wisdom.
Exhibit highlights include:
Original copies of five of America’s founding documents, including the Declaration of Independence and Franklin’s own copy of the Constitution
More than 250 priceless original artifacts, including many owned by Franklin’s family and never before displayed in public
More than 40 interactive devices, featuring special effects, hands-on opportunities and family-centered fun
25-foot model ship that visitors can climb aboard to recreate Franklin’s method of charting the Gulf Stream
Shayna enjoyed playing on the ship. The exhibit had a lot of interactive things. Skyler's favorite was the one about how Ben Franklin invented the lightning rod and the concept of grounding a house. They had a screen showing 2 houses being struck by lightning, one grounded and one not. The one not grounded would blow up. That was Skyler's favorite part. It was hard getting him away from that exhibit. Shayna liked watching the cartoonish videos and sitting on one of his inventions, the "fan chair." Cool fact: Ben Franklin created a math game exactly like Soduku, to keep himself busy while attending meetings or waiting. They had a computerized exhibit with movable tiles (set in like toss across style) where you can play it. He was also in various societys ranging from his "Junto" group of 11 , to the American Philosiphical Society and the Masons. There was even a fossil of a elephant like creatures tooth. The kids enjoyed using the microscope set up with slides of what he looked at and his comments for each. It was great to see all he accomplished in: art, science, math, printing, music (he played many instruments and invented the water harmonica thing), politics, writing, diplomacy, oceanography, the commmunity, and more!
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