Pottery Wheel
Shayna got to use her new pottery wheel for the first time on Saturday January 14th. Here she is using it:

The finished product. Now we wait 24 hours for it to dry and then she will paint it.
After she finished I had her pick a topic from her enrichment bag and ironically she chose Art History. I try do do some kind of enrichment with her on weekends. Last weekend we did some ancient history and she learned about the Code of Hammurabi (1st written laws), the story of Joseph and his 11 brothers in Egypt (origin of 12 tribes of Israel), Sargon the Great (1st military dictatorship), how mummies were made and Cheops and the great pyramid. We even caught a show about Cleopatra in Alexandria...Shayna thinks she may be Cleopatra for Halloween this year.
We also got to do the snow dance because it snowed- we had planned on going to the constitution center for Ben Franklins 300th birthday party but will have to catch another event some other weekend due to the weather.

We also got to do the snow dance because it snowed- we had planned on going to the constitution center for Ben Franklins 300th birthday party but will have to catch another event some other weekend due to the weather.
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