Costume for Frosty Play
We went shopping for an ensemble for Shayna to wear for the Frosty the Snowman play. She needs to wear a light colored* winter coat, hat, gloves, etc. So we found this gorgeous white coat and she loved it so much she wore it all over the store and didn't want to take it off! The white fur on the good/sleeves has pretty silver glitter in it. Her old coat is getting small anyway (its into its 3rd season) and she never had a true "cold weather/snow" type coat. I.E.- its long, and its DOWN. So perfect for being outside-playing in the snow and also when she has to walk home from school. She has another fake fur pink hat/scarf ensemble I love but its more to go with the black coat and I thought the bright pink hat/gloves would do well on stage. Now we need to still get new snow boots. When we check the weather now Shayna will ask "is it cold enough to wear my new coat?" OH-- it also has a CELL PHONE pocket inside! Which, ironically, we plan on setting Shayna up with a 3rd phone on the family plan (we plan on going to the sprint store over thanksgiving)- now that there are so many times she is on her own (I already had 2-3 incidents where she and I went to different meeting spots after school and the phone will give us both piece of mind).

*shayna only had black coats

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