Shayna & Skyler's World

Anecdotes & stories both past and present about my 2 children: Shayna Star, age 10 and in 5th grade (1/31/1997) and Skyler Lion, age 3 (8/13/2004).

Saturday, November 10, 2007

Briny Breezes

we went to the beach at Briny Breezes today, a little "old Florida" oceanfront town just North of Delray, North of Boca. Briny Breezes is known for being the town consisting of a mobile home community, pop. 488, that was offered 510 Million as a buyout by a developer, this would make all the mobile home owners millionaires (a big jump considering most paid less than 100G and most make ave. 35G/year). The buyout deal is still in the works and the mobile homes are all still there untouched (but at some point will be gone for condos as about 80-90% agreed to sell). we went to Gulf Stream park, which is just south of where all the mobile homes are. Briny Breezes is also the place where the reef (natural reef) is closest to the beach...only feet away!

we had been wanting to go here for a while (because of the reef, to snorkel), only never did until now for various reasons (illness, rough ocean, other plans, etc.). The ocean was not bathtub warm anymore, although you could still go in, we decided not will go back again around May or so when it gets warmer again.

we were entertained briefly by an airshow, that is a daredevil airplane overhead:

shayna and skyler actually using thier chairs:

shayna and skyler concentrated on digging tunnels today. skyler wore his cool sunglasses:
we went for a nice beach walk, wading in the ocean waves. we talked with some locals and found out that due to the recent beach erosion (after storm Noel), some things were exposed for the first time in 20-30 years, like the area of rocks in the lapping waves or part of a beach staircase that was completely submerged before. I had been to our local beach a few days prior and there were some tidepools formed, but none here today.


  • At 12:24 PM, Blogger MikeB said…

    That is an interesting story about Briny Breezes. I had to read more about it. Sadly, the last item I saw said that on July 30, 2007, the deal was canceled by the land developer over a dispute with the town board of directors over how long a period was to be allowed for due diligence. "We're back to square one," noted one resident.


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