Shayna & Skyler's World

Anecdotes & stories both past and present about my 2 children: Shayna Star, age 10 and in 5th grade (1/31/1997) and Skyler Lion, age 3 (8/13/2004).

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Math Class

Shayna started math this week. They change classes for math, and the entire gifted 5th grade (5 classes of kids) are put into classes based on how they did on the assessment test.

Shayna was put into 6th grade math, in Mrs. Roots class. Mrs. Root said that it was a high acheivement that they were in this class. Shayna thinks there may be another 6th grade math class. Her math text says middle school on it. Shayna really likes Mrs. Root, she is a very creative teacher. She has a reward system to motivate the students. They earn raffle tickets. The top reward is getting to take one of the pet turtles home for the weekend, and it can swim in the swimming pool. Shayna really wants to earn this! Mrs. Root also does yoga with the kids.

Also, every night besides the normal homework assignment, she will give them a thought provoking question to figure out or look up. One time it was to find the sanskrit word for the tree position in yoga, and another one was to find out what a number to the power of zero is, is it the number or 1, and why is it 1. I am not a math person, so if she gets any really tough ones she may be contacting her Uncle Mike!


  • At 11:25 PM, Blogger Melly Mel said…

    That's great about the excellent math teacher you have, Shayna! I hope you get to take the turtle home for a weekend. If Michael isn't around when you need help (if you ever need help), please feel free to ask me. Keep up the good work!


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