Shayna & Skyler's World

Anecdotes & stories both past and present about my 2 children: Shayna Star, age 10 and in 5th grade (1/31/1997) and Skyler Lion, age 3 (8/13/2004).

Thursday, August 16, 2007

3 year old check up

I took Skyler for the first time to the new pediatrician practice in Boca, the Boca Pediatric Group. The neat thing about this, maybe its a typical Florida/tropical location thing, but the building is designed where you go up a see through elevator and when you get out you are in an outside hallway, with a stone walkway, leading to all the medical office doors.

Skyler saw Dr. Levy today, he was very friendly and tried to tease Skyler by calling him cookie, after skyler wouldn't tell him his name (he does not do this so well yet, that is, respond when asked his name). After finishing the exam, he said that his pediatrician in Pennsylvania must have been very good and gentle, because skyler was not afraid and let the Dr. pick him up, examine him, without any fuss.

He got his 2nd hepatitis B shot, he needs 3 total and apparently the PA ped. administers them later. He will need to have 3 before entering kindergarten.

Shayna told him right before we left that he would get a lollipop, and the entire time we were there, including time in the waiting room, he kept asking for a lollipop. Unfortunately, this practice does not have any lollipops, they have stickers.

Here are his stats:

Height= 37" (50%)

Weight= 35.8 lbs. (80%)


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