Shayna & Skyler's World

Anecdotes & stories both past and present about my 2 children: Shayna Star, age 10 and in 5th grade (1/31/1997) and Skyler Lion, age 3 (8/13/2004).

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Halloween costume planning

Now that October is almost here, the Halloween planning has begun. Planning costumes, looking through various activities, etc.

Shayna decided instead of going as Cleopatra she wants to go as a "blue angel." which is, a white angel dress with wings, blue hair (wig), halo, and accents such as blue fingernails, lips, cool looking sparkly make up (silver & blue around eyes etc.).

I like to dress them matching, but this is impossible with her as the blue angel. So I was thinking of maybe dressing him as an actual blue angel, as in the Navy jet pilot...but besides downloading thier patch can't find a costume like that (just air force pilot which looks nothing like it) even if he wears the patch don't think anyone would get it. So my other choice is him going as a devil since she will be an angel. Lots of little boy devil costumes to choose from. or I an just dress him in something that has nothing to do with hers.


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