Shayna & Skyler's World

Anecdotes & stories both past and present about my 2 children: Shayna Star, age 10 and in 5th grade (1/31/1997) and Skyler Lion, age 3 (8/13/2004).

Saturday, July 01, 2006


We went to Peddler's Village Saturday night to see fireworks. July 4th is my 2nd favorite holiday (Halloween being my favorite) so I love taking the kids to the fireworks, festivals, and dressing them patrioticly. Glow in the dark jewelry and paraphenalia is a must also. Shayna and I also make July 4th cupcakes every year on the 4th, and this will be our 2nd year of setting off our OWN fireworks (our neighbor set off fireworks last year too so it was twice as much). I love relaxing in the pool while listening to our favorite CDs, smelling the nearby barbeques, playing with the dragonflies, and later watching fireworks with the glow of the fireflies all around us. In some years past we also enjoyed the 4th down the shore- watching the fireworks from the dock by our boat- and then having a blast honking our boat horn along with everyone else- then peeking out our front boat window to see the sporadic midnight fireworks. I just can not skip fireworks on the 4th- I feel it is my duty as an American to celebrate my country.

Here are Shayna & Nancy enjoying the fireworks:

Skyler with fireworks behind him. He had a blast and clapped at the end. He got so excited at the end he ran into the people sitting in front of us. Nancy's little brother David was there too, he is only 2 months older then Skyler. When we get them together they tend to run in opposite directions as typical toddlers.
After the fireworks we went into Giggleberry Fair (we were sitting near it) and let Skyler wander around. Here he is enjoying a mini carousel while Shayna rides with him as a good big sister.

After that, we literally laughed all the way to the car - which was a long walk to the other side of peddler's village. Then we laughed all the way home. I can't say exactly what/why we were laughing at but Shayna laughed so hard she got the hiccups! Manny also wondered why I roll down my window when I see a deer on the side of the road...


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