Dance Recital
This was Shayna's 6th dance recital with the Bucks County Dance Center. She did really well and was in 2 numbers: tap and jazz/hip-hop. It was a western theme. I really enjoyed the show this year and Skyler was even enthralled by it- he actually watched about the first 4-5 numbers until ballet (slow) came on. Then he slept through the entire second half of the show. The highlights for me (besides Shayna's) were Seasons of Love and the finale. For SOL they had the movie showing taking up the entire background and at the very end the dancers sang and one girl did an amazing acapello solo. At the very end of the finale both Lorilei and Rex (the owners of the school and sister/brother) came out and danced with the ensemble programs A,B,C and the Company. As you can see, Skyler took ownership of Shayna's cowboy hat from her tap number!

At 1:15 AM,
shoshanamom said…
shayna can probably do the number but I didn't buy the DVD or video the dress rehersal this year.
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