Skyler's Latest Accomplishments
Some of Skyler's latest accomplishments:
1. Can point correctly when asked to identify nose and ears. Can also point to asker's nose!
2. Builds using legos (and small ones too) and blocks.
3. Colors on paper with crayons. Also added to the wall art started by Shayna when she was a toddler.
4. Helped decorate the clubhouse with Shayna using markers. See bottom 2 photos below.
5. Wrote what appears to be about 3 letters and one number on the clubhouse below where Shayna wrote the alphabet and numbers. He wrote A, U, D, W, C and the number 2.
6. He can do his own sign language for "feed me" or "I want" which is him pounding his chest like a gorilla (and he uses force). He waves bye bye.
8. He claps when you say "good job!" or "good boy." If he does something he knows is good, like exit the bathroom after going in there (he isn't allowed in there), he claps for himself. He claps when happy/pleased with something you are doing, like when you are getting him food he really wants or milk/juice.
9. Can do simple puzzles. (will try and get a photo for that later).

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