Police Station Tour
Shayna's girl scout brownie troop got a tour of the Bensalem Police Station on Wed. night. They also went outside and got to sit in a patrol car, pet a police dog, watch the dog jump over a car, and sit on the police motorcycle. Some of the parents wanted to sit on the motorcycle as well. In the bottom photo they are in the room where they get "briefed" ala NYPD and they asked the girls if they had any questions. All of a sudden 12 giggly girls were very quiet. Shayna was the only one brave enough to ask a few questions (she is the oldest, the only 3rd grader in the troop and she is outgoing to begin with). She asked them why they have so many keys. A few minutes later she asked if the police station had ever been attacked. I guess this is what happens after watching too many action-adventure movies with her dad. The highlight was when they got the last part of the tour- into the break/snack room where there was a huge plate of donuts! The police treated them to donuts. Then they gave them a boxful of goodies (pencils, activity book, ruler, card of the motorcycle cop, etc.).

At 12:05 AM,
Melly Mel said…
Well, WAS the station ever attacked? LOL ... The Girl Scouts activities seem to be more exciting than I thought. Yay for brave Shayna.
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