Lost Tooth
Shayna finally lost her tooth that has been hanging on now for a few days (has been slowly loosening for a few months). About 2 days ago it started to bleed and was almost out but not quite, so very uncomfortable for her. She lost it when she bit into her waffle (on plate behind her in bottom photo). The waffles are actually Dunkables but I like to call then Dunkaroos, and she will keep correcting me but I call them that on purpose. Shayna seems to have luck losing teeth when eating. In the past she has lost teeth while eating a frozen chocolate eclair pop and an apple. Another time she lost a tooth in the middle of a gymnastics birthday party. Shayna says this is her 9th baby tooth she has lost so far.

Will the tooth fairy come tonight?

At 10:03 PM,
Melly Mel said…
Beautiful photos - congrats on that stubborn tooth finally coming out.
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