Mischief: featuring the Mozzerella Caper and Elmo
Friday night I went food shopping for a few items including lunchmeat and mozzarella cheese from the deli. When I unpacked the bags I couldn't find the mozzarella cheese. Of course I thought maybe Skyler grabbed it and took off with it (he had rifled through the bags) but I checked all over and couldn't find it (this was mere minutes so I thought how far could he have gone?). So I went back to the store and told them what happened (I thought it was left at the store) and they gave me another package for free. WELL..... on Sunday night I was coming downstairs. First I see he has managed to get the gate open at the bottom of the stairs and he is running around with the blue fabric that we tie it with (we tie one end because we couldn't attach the gate hardware to the bannister). Then he walks up to me and hands me the ORIGINAL package of mozzarella cheese! Apparently he had hidden it somewhere. This same scenario has happened with his sippy cup- found a few days later on the toy shelf in the playroom. I won't even mention the infamous incident with Shayna's school "educational trip" form that mysteriously vanished-thinking it fell out of her schoolbag on her way to class in the AM- guess who got into her schoolbag at night and went through her homework folder, hid the contents somewhere and then decided to reemerge them on the family room floor many days later??!!

As you know Skyler LOVES Elmo. In the photo above, Shayna helping Skyler use the sprout/sesame website and they are on the Elmo ABC/123 page. Its interactive with the keyboard so when you press the letter it switches to that letter video and audio. Skyler's favorite was "Z." Every time Shayna pressed the "Z" a zipper would emerge and made a zip noise as it zips up. Skyler thought this was soo funny and would laugh hysterically.
Click here to see the exact page Skyler did:
Saturday night after picking up Shayna and Skyler from my parents (Manny and I went to an adult only Christmas party at Steve & Andrea's house) we stopped at Shoprite to get popcorn since we planned on watching "War of the Worlds." We pulled up right in front of the main entrance, and they have this HUGE blown up Elmo in the vestible. Skyler thought it was sooo cool. So Manny, Skyler and Shayna got out so he could see Elmo up close. The only thing is, after looking at Elmo for a bit Skyler discovered the automatic doors. When someone walked out, Skyler ran in (this was the exit doors so he ran into where the check out aisles are). Of course, Manny ran in after him. But when he got back into the vestible, he saw that Skyler's shoe had come off and was now on the other side of the door. Somehow Manny managed to get over and get it before the door closed again. I thought to myself- we really need to get him out more- he thinks going to the supermarket is a big deal!
At 9:39 AM,
MikeB said…
This reminds me of the Brady Bunch episode where everyone thinks Bobby took Cindy's Kitty Karry-All doll, but it turns out that Tiger had it in his dog house, along with various other items he had taken. I've noticed a theme that Skyler likes to spend extended periods of time by himself. Maybe when he grows up, he can be a secutiry guard or a poet.
At 6:01 PM,
shoshanamom said…
I am not sure how you got that he likes to spend time by himself-its actually the opposite. He always stays wherever we are (either myself, Manny or Shayna). we just can't watch him every single second -forex. if I am unpacking groceries, he is in the area going back & forth and manages to grab & hide things without us seeing where he has hidden them. Maybe it seems that way b/c we are sometimes busy doing other things while he is in the room.
as for the hiding stuff- Shayna did it too at that age, only he seems to be much worse.
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