Shayna & Skyler's World

Anecdotes & stories both past and present about my 2 children: Shayna Star, age 10 and in 5th grade (1/31/1997) and Skyler Lion, age 3 (8/13/2004).

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Shayna's Class Halloween Party

Shayna's class Halloween party was today. The party is put together by the room moms, with teacher input/permission. I was sick during the planning phase, so didn't get to help in the planning (this was one I would have liked to, but will have many more to get involved with). Here is the invite:

The party started at 11am, while the kids were away at "lunch" the moms got the room ready. I came in to help out- I was one of 6 moms there. The party ended just in time for the special (gym today). They started with lunch from cheeburger cheeburger, which was served in little car containers. It was chicken & fries & a cookie. Ilene knows the owner so was able to get a good deal.
Then they got to do the "guess how many are in the jar" game:

Then outside for relay races (this was Mr. Mandel's request, he likes them to do sports/physical activities). They go right out the back door of thier classroom to the outside back courtyard which leads to this area. It was pretty windy from Tropical Storm Noel.

Last they came inside and decorated cupcakes. Shayna and Carissa with thier cupcakes:

Note: they are not allowed to wear costumes at this school. it varies school to school but most seem to be this way. they do let the K and 1st graders wear costumes on Halloween.


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