Shayna & Skyler's World

Anecdotes & stories both past and present about my 2 children: Shayna Star, age 10 and in 5th grade (1/31/1997) and Skyler Lion, age 3 (8/13/2004).

Friday, June 29, 2007

South Beach Walk

We went to South Beach in Boca (part of the 3 beach park system we have the parking pass for) for a beach walk tonight. South Beach is also the beach that has a webcam.

Right in front of the main pavillion there were maybe 30 surfers which we watched briefly. They were very good. Below is Skyler walking, holding Shayna's pail and his shoes. You can see there is a volleyball court/net behind him. Its tough to get a real exercise walking session with him because he stops a lot to put sand in the pail or just walks very slowly, so we have ordered a new all terrain stroller (after much research I chose the B.O.B. Revolution all terrain stroller and ordered the 2006 model). We will use it for beach walking and hiking.

We found a ship wreck during the walk, or at least many artifacts from a ship wreck. After looking at the many items we think it may have been from Cuban refugees.

We also found this neat ancient coral bed, with a huge crack in it:

There were a LOT of coconuts on the beach. We tried cracking them open but had no success:

There were also a lot of sea turtle nests, which were roped off with signs like this:

The sea turtles come onto the beach at night to nest and lay thier it is possible if you walk on the beach later at night (after 8:30 or 9) to see a sea turtle. You may have noticed the seaweed in some of the photos, they do not clean this uo because of the sea turtles.
At some point later in the summer, the turtles will hatch. Then we may see the cracked shells left behind after they crawl into the ocean.


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