Potty Time
Manny brought down the potty chair yesterday to start introducing the concept to skyler. He had him sit on it, but with clothes on, just to introduce it to him. I was hesitent and hadn't even started to potty train him yet, because of my experiences wth Shayna.
Tonight, when it was time for bed, Skyler said he wanted to try and "poopy" on the potty. I think it was partly a bedtime delay tactic, but nevertheless, I had him toddle on over to the bathroom and he sat on the potty seat. I left him there reading the potty book, not really expecting to see any "results." A few minutes later I returned, and he had peed in the potty! Since I wasn't prepared or expecting anything so soon, I had not prepared his "potty chart' so I had to hastily turn over shayna's old chart, write "Skyler" and a "Pee" and "Poop" section in marker, and then he got to put his very first sticker under the "pee" section of his very own potty chart. Not sure where this will lead...but we'll see if he makes anymore requests and just play it by ear.

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