Shayna & Skyler's World

Anecdotes & stories both past and present about my 2 children: Shayna Star, age 10 and in 5th grade (1/31/1997) and Skyler Lion, age 3 (8/13/2004).

Saturday, January 13, 2007

Eagles Hat

Shayna made this cool Eagles hat during art class with my assistance. Friday was "special persons day" at her school which means that each student can have one adult join them on thier normal school day from 9:30-11am. This way the adult/parent can get to see what they actually do. I didn't get to spend any time in Shayna's actual 4th grade classroom, because for the first part she was with her "1st grade buddy" in the first grade pod, and the second part she had art class/special in the art room. I got to find out who her 1st grade buddy was (I had heard about him), meet and chat with 3 of her classmates who sat at her art table, and find out they can bring in thier own art to show to earn an "artbuck." I also found out that boys in 4th grade already start to act "cool." Here is Shayna modeling the Eagles Hat: Coincidentally, Skyler's class this past Monday made almost identical hats. They had Eagles Day on Monday. Skyler doesn't go on Mondays, but I saw the kids with thier Eagles gear and hats on in the photos the teacher sent.


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