1st Day of School
Skyler had his first day of preschool today at Judy Sare Preschool. I enrolled him for 2 mornings a week. He starts at 9am and Shayna needs to be at school by 9am (I drop her off around 8:50-8:58 depending on how things go that morning). So I take him with me, we drop off Shayna first, and then I take him to preschool.
Here is Skyler with his new backpack and Shayna:
Skyler in his classroom- he is in the "2's" room:
This is the SAME EXACT classroom that Shayna was in when she went to preschool here. She went here for one year, from age 3-4. She also went to two full summers of camp here. The year after she went here she went into pre-K/K, the combined classroom, at Trevose Day School. Skyler can not go to Trevose Day School unless he is potty trained.
The second we walked in, he went into play mode. No seperation anxiety here- my little boy is independent and extremely social- no shy genes here! While he played, we hung up his jacket and bag in his cubby, I got the monthly schedule, and chatted with his teacher, Mrs. Greenburg. He gets a notebook where she writes in every day to say what/how he did, and I can write back, etc. There is also 2 walls of photos: one with each child's pic, one with family pics. She also takes digital photos and them e mails them to the parents about twice a month! I love that!
I went to the office to fill out and leave some paperwork. Before leaving I peeked into his room to see what he was doing and snapped this photo of him playing. he was going in and out of the little playhouse, and first ringing the doorbell. I remember Shayna's first days of preschool, when she was the same age (2.5) at Childventure Preschool. After leaving her I would peek in, only the door would be closed and there was a very small window and the way the room was angled you could not see very much. Then when I would pick her up, for that entire first year, she would not say much (really nothing) about what she did. So I would always hope to spot her teacher and desperately ask her for any information about her day and what she did. Also, in those early years, looking in her school bag at the end of the day was like finding treasure. I would always look in it right away to see what treasures she brought home. I will really enjoy doing the same with Skyler.
When I picked up Skyler at the end of the morning time, he did not want to leave. He really loved it there!
When Shayna saw his schedule later she thought it was so cute, and she said she would like to have his schedule.
I will post more about Skyler's preschool adventures as they happen. I am already considering maybe sending him for 3 days or for longer days.
Here is Skyler with his new backpack and Shayna:

When Shayna saw his schedule later she thought it was so cute, and she said she would like to have his schedule.
I will post more about Skyler's preschool adventures as they happen. I am already considering maybe sending him for 3 days or for longer days.
At 1:07 AM,
Melly Mel said…
Good luck in pre school, my buddy!
Love, Grandma and Grandpa
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