Bensalem waterfall

we took the kids here to go fishing. It was quite the adventure trying to figure out the best way to get here trying various paths from both sides of the creek. after a few failed attempts, getting cliffs and trekking through rough terrain we found our way here behind wood river village. this is where skyler and I stayed while manny and shayna went down to the bottom to fish (down a more steep rocky area making me nervous). after this we figured out a great easy way to get to the other side of the waterfall/creek where there is a little "beach" and its much more user/kid friendly (for next time). To get there you have to go behind this place that appears to be a restaurant in a big old house but is actually a racous crazy bar inside-its completely off the main road and is past 3 residential homes so I have no idea how anyone knows about it. it was like walking into a secret sect. It happens the last time I went to this waterfall I must have been about 15 years old!
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