Shayna & Skyler's World

Anecdotes & stories both past and present about my 2 children: Shayna Star, age 10 and in 5th grade (1/31/1997) and Skyler Lion, age 3 (8/13/2004).

Friday, March 31, 2006

The musicians

Shayna and Skyler both seem to have a knack for playing music. Tonight they were both in the dining/living room. Skyler was playing the keyboards (and in a rock method with lots of gusto) and Shayna was playing the recorder. then Shayna went to the piano and started to play the song that the sheet music was opened up to on top of the keyboard, I think it was Yankee Doodle. Shayna has managed to self teach herself the piano from what she has been taught in music class at school. She can read and play simple piano sheet music. This blows me away because I was never musically inclined (love listening but can't play or read sheet music). Shayna is a true Renaissance Girl!!


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