Skyler playing
Today Skyler was playing with these beach balls after we went swimming in the pool. I thought it was funny the way he was holding them and I'm sure you can get a good chuckle out of the various captions you could think of (ie skyler plays with balls, etc.).
Skyler playing with the toy he got from his Aunt & Uncle. He is good at putting the shapes in but still doesn't want to do it with the top on it, in fact he seems to think that the top goes in it too. He has finally got the hang of his toys where you put things in, like the one where he puts peek a blocks into the giraffes neck. Only he likes to put other things in there besides the peek a blocks it was made for, like his soft foam blocks. Then he bangs it to get it to make the sound effect. Manny and I are proud at any signs of intelligence we see at such a young age- the two latest were when he figured out how to use the boppy pillow to climb up onto the sofa and then reach to the top of the sofa where I put the box his new toy came out of; and when he crawled/walked right over to his baby swing at the playground. The ambulatory hazard of our family room- basically the entire downstairs is like this- when someone enters the house it is basically: BEWARE- enter at your own risk! You can easily trip and must look before you step. Those home alone thieves would have been in trouble. In fact, just tonight I almost tripped over the rubik's cube on the way to the computer!
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