Shayna & Skyler's World

Anecdotes & stories both past and present about my 2 children: Shayna Star, age 10 and in 5th grade (1/31/1997) and Skyler Lion, age 3 (8/13/2004).

Thursday, August 18, 2005

My modern girl

Shayna has just joined her first e mail list/group. Its a spin-off from one I belong to called 97kids- a group of moms all over the country with kids born in 1997. This group started in 1997 when they were all babies. A few months ago some of the kids began "old fashioned" pen paling to one of the kids named Abby. Shayna also corresponded with Abby. After some discussion, the moms decided it was easier and preferable to have the kids write via e mail the way the moms do (and I think Abby got overwhelmed because all the kids who were into writing wrote to her). So....the group "Kids of 97kids" was born. Right now there are only 3 members, but the group was only created TODAY. LOL Already Abby and Shayna have sent out e mails mainly to each other but to the whole group.

Besides being in the e mail group (Shayna has had her own e mail address for as long as I can remember) she also has her own "blog" (see link here to Potter's pensieve). She also has her own characters in 2 different (or 3? I lose track) online video games, one of which is a mini businesswomen in the game (she has an online store there and does real business selling wares).

Maybe someday soon when you have a baby, when they give you the paperwork to fill out for the baby's birth certificate it will have a space for their e mail address so they will have a designated one from birth. Just like they give out thier social security number - e mail addresses will be assigned. By then cyberspace may get very crowded!


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