Skyler had his first dentist visit today. Since I take them to Doc Bresler, a pediatric dentist, it is quite the experience. Here is the "games" area of the waiting room:
Half of the inside of the main area that the kids get seen:

Skyler in the orange chair:

Skyler did really well on his first visit. he got a card with his photo in it saying "One brave little boy." he got his teeth cleaned, flouride, and examined by both Dr. Josh Bresler and his dad, the senior Doc Bresler (who is like the president and he doesn't make appts. anymore there so quite the bonus getting them both). His bottom 2 molars are in, his top right is halfway out, and the other top one is starting to come out. Dr. Josh gave a great tip, since Skyler still uses the safe to swallow toothpaste, to put some ACT flouride rinse on his toothbrush.

Shayna was there too- they were seen simultaneously. You can see her feet in the second photo above on the green chair. The experience was quite different for Shayna, as the seasoned pro, the novelty of the distracting game area and bells and whistles no longer work on her. Like a prisoner awaiting the gallows, all the games and fancery do not quell her anxiety over being about to get her dentist exam, cleaning, x-rays, flouride, etc. She says that she has a bad gag reflex so the prodding and poking are hard for her and she gets nauseous. She managed to get through this time without throwing up, so that was success (Success! as Borat would say). She commented on the way to the car how ironic it was that they were showing the Willy Wonka movie (the newer version with Johnny Depp).
After the dentist, we took Skyler for his haircut (gave us a harder time for this and a lollipop got him to be complacent), and to his pediatrician for an allergy consult (got a script to take him in for allegy testing/blood work).
At 10:33 PM,
Melly Mel said…
What a brilliant dentist! Glad to see it went so well.
At 4:18 PM,
BrianM said…
I am stunned. Why don't any adult dentists have offices like that?
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