Hungry Rabbit
This is one of the more creative caches we have done. There is this couple in our area who have hidden about 52 caches and they are always so clever (they did the kite and key and frog themed one) and they use great props and do things like tie the cache onto a long stick and then stick it inside something. Manny found this one. The clue was to find "little Holly" and you are close, that Holly the rabbit is looking for help finding this, and to "think where a rabbit would be hunting." We also knew a holly bush was involved. Manny found this cute little rabbit statuette and on the bottom it said "you are close, the cache is about 15 feet." Shayna is holding Holly the rabbit:

Near an actual holly bush, you find a tiny green sprout poking up from the ground. When you pull on it, out comes a carrot from inside the ground! The carrot unscrew in the middle, and it is the cache itself! HOW NEAT.

Near an actual holly bush, you find a tiny green sprout poking up from the ground. When you pull on it, out comes a carrot from inside the ground! The carrot unscrew in the middle, and it is the cache itself! HOW NEAT.
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