Christmas-winter solstice- hanukkah- festivus
what ever you call it...for us its winter solstice mixed with a bit of christmas (with lots of discussions about messiahs, world peace, what is real and what is literature of fantasy, because really all religon is just made up, same story/different version/different culture whether it be egyptian or roman or cavemen)....but bottom line is everyone can celebrate the winter solstice, that is a fact of science, and everyone can celebrate the ideas behind christmas whether or not he was "divine" or not, I agree with his main concepts: do not judge others and be a GOOD person, live a good life, and non-violence (notice how this is similar to gandhi and the Tibetan monks line of thinking, because J. of Nazereth spent time in Asia with the monks). I do not know what is true or real, nor am I a rabbi or a priest, all I know is life is short and you need to live the best life you can, enjoy every moment you have, and enjoy your family. You only live do it right (besides the obvious work to eat/shelter): enjoy good food, good restaurants, travel, enjoy nature and its wonders (the ocean and sunsets), get the best seats, enjoy music and the arts or whatever you enjoy doing, go see live shows and music/concerts...leave something meaningful behind for your ancestors to remember you, your written memoirs and photos will be all that is left of your essense and soul for them to remember.
if you are jewish/catholic/muslim/agnostic: enjoy whichever holiday you choose to celebrate- happy holidays to all!
anyway- now that you understand my philosophy- here is my gorgeous tree, look at all the presents Santa left:
My moda GQ 2 year old boy:

My amazing 9 year old- look out Harvard- or Hollywood:

Note: my holiday- new years cards are going out late this year so watch your mailbox.
if you are jewish/catholic/muslim/agnostic: enjoy whichever holiday you choose to celebrate- happy holidays to all!
anyway- now that you understand my philosophy- here is my gorgeous tree, look at all the presents Santa left:

Note: my holiday- new years cards are going out late this year so watch your mailbox.
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