The latest on Skyler's talking:
1. He loves to say uh-oh and he uses it correctly most of the time. We were watching "Cheaper by the Dozen 2" and during a chaotic scene he said "uh-oh!" We didn't even think he was actually watching let alone comprehending or paying attention.
2. He started to say "doe" the other day and we have NO idea what it means. Any ideas? He said it both while looking out the back window and while holding a container of play dough (coincidence or does he actually know its play-dough?).
3. He will mimic what you say but randomly. He likes to say sounds like "ooooo" or "eeeee." He said "football" after I said "futbol" while going through the Digital TV guide screen. He also said "boo" after Shayna said it. We will see where this progresses.
4. He also has his first word: ball and he says ma ma of course.
Skyler also has commandeered Shayna's chair/seat at the kitchen table. Forget the highchair (I am trying to sell it on craigs list), sometimes he will sit at his little table but he has started demanding his place at the regular table. The 4th place setting has always been a temporary depository for random papers (school, mail, work stuff, etc.) so now I will have to find other places for those items so we can all sit at a moments notice.

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