FCAT results!
Level 5=2059 - 2713
Shayna scored 2103
On grade level=1510
Level 4=1762 - 2058
Level 3=1510 - 1761
Level 2=1342 - 1509
Level 1=474 - 1341
Your student's FCAT Score is 2103, which is in achievement Level 5 for Reading.
The FCAT Score shows your student's achievement on the day he or she was tested. If your student were to take this same test again, it is likely that his or her Spring 2008 FCAT Reading Score would be between 1974 and 2232.
Your Student's 2008 FCAT Mathematics Score
Level 5=1957 - 2456
Shayna scored:2225
On grade level=1632
Level 4=1769 - 1956
Level 3=1632 - 1768
Level 2=1452 - 1631
Level 1=569 - 1451
Your student's FCAT Score is 2225, which is in achievement Level 5 for Mathematics.
The FCAT Score shows your student's achievement on the day he or she was tested. If your student were to take this same test again, it is likely that his or her Spring 2008 FCAT Mathematics Score would be between 2093 and 2357.
Level 5 is the highest level, and what is required if she wants to get into Algebra 1 Honors in 6th grade, if she takes this class in 7th grade she needs level 5 FCATS again. Shayna can take the algebra test (needs 95% or higher) and try to get in for 6th grade (typically only 1-2 6th graders do this) but as of now she is planning to try to take it in 7th grade. Its a high school credit class.
They also got the NRT FCAT scores, which compares them to other children nationally. Shayna got a 98 reading and 99 math (99 being the highest possible.) Her stanine scores were 9 (highest). This basically means she is in the top 1% in the nation compared with other 5th graders.